
Raising of Capital – Debt and Equity

Raising capital is the process of acquiring funds to finance a business or a project. There are two main ways to raise capital: debt and equity.

  • Debt financing: Debt financing involves borrowing money from lenders, such as banks or financial institutions, and repaying it with interest over a set period of time. The lender has no ownership stake in the business, but is entitled to receive regular interest payments and repayment of the principal.
  • Equity financing: Equity financing involves selling ownership shares in the business to investors, who become shareholders and have a stake in the success of the business. Equity investors are entitled to a share of the profits and may have a say in the management of the business.

Some important aspects of debt and equity financing include:

  • Cost of capital: The cost of capital is the amount of return that the investor or lender expects to receive for providing funds. Debt financing typically has a lower cost of capital than equity financing, as lenders have a lower risk profile and are entitled to regular interest payments.
  • Repayment: Debt financing requires regular repayment of principal and interest, while equity financing does not require repayment, but may involve sharing profits with shareholders.
  • Risk: Debt financing involves taking on debt, which can be a risk for the business if it is unable to make the required payments. Equity financing involves sharing ownership and control of the business with investors, which can also be a risk if the investors have different goals or expectations.
  • Control: Debt financing does not involve sharing control of the business, while equity financing may involve sharing control with investors.
  • Access to capital: Debt financing may be easier to obtain than equity financing, as lenders are primarily concerned with the ability of the borrower to repay the debt. Equity financing may require more due diligence and negotiations with investors.